Thursday, March 4, 2010

Staging complete

Yes, that's right. Last night, we completed the staging of Idomeneo and not a minute too soon. This evening is our first rehearsal with the orchestra "al l'Italiana" meaning we have the orchestra in the pit and the choir and soloists sitting on the stage. Some countries call it a "sitzprobe" or a "sitting rehearsal" but tonight, I imagine it will be a combination of things, perhaps a "wandelprobe" meaning you can do your basic movements around the stage (wandering rehearsal), trying to take the proper positions on the stage when you sing.

Anyway, More tomorrow on how that goes.

By the way, the set and all of the effects are amazing! It is a very technically difficult show, but I must say that all of the effects add a lot. Not distracting, but enhancing. Looking forward to it now. See how things can change in the course of a month?

Till later.


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